Sunday, October 19, 2008

Stay Safe When Riding, Cars Will Not Watch Out For You!

Just over a month ago I had the expierence of being hit by a car. It is not a fun thing by far. It is scary and really makes you think twice before going for another ride.

You see, I was hit by a car driver that wanted to get through a yellow light when I was going straight through and the car was crossing over my path. Unfortunately the person driving didn't see me. So he hit me on my back wheel after I moved to avoid the collision as much as possible.

As of that day when I got hit, 21 September, 2008 I am ever so careful about where and who I ride with.

That is why I have made the devision to only ride my road bike in the early hours of the morning at 5:30 - 7am. I'm no longer prepared to ride my bike in the afternoon or when there is any large amount of cars on the road.

I hope that none of my blog readers are ever faced with a bike acciden.

So take heed and choose to ride when there is no cars out and if this is not possible only ride in large groups of riders.