Sunday, March 28, 2010

Kilometres for March

This month I've managed to clock up over 600km on the bike which has been a challenge as March is Townsville's biggest month of wet weather.

The most I've cycled this month was 56km in 1:45mins which is an average of 33km/h. This has been accomplished through nutritious energy food and by staying motivated.

Last week -198km - 6:21

Sunday: 43km - 1:19
Monday: xx
Tuesday: 15km - 0:30 - was raining
Wednesday: 42km - 1:21
Thursday: 45km - 1:29
Friday: Day Off
Saturday: 56km - 1:47

Tally - 201km - 6:43 - Average of 31km/h

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Cycling after Tropical Cyclone Ului

Well, I was thinking earlier in the week that the cyclone was going to come for Townsville. So I booked in a room in Cairns. Had a an awesome time sitting around and swimming! Well, Cyclone Ului didn't end up hitting Townsville. Thankfully, means I can go for a cycle this week.

Today I could feel some of the winds that the cyclone has brought to the Australian Eastern Coast. Hard riding back from the dam today, although that's most likely because I was pushing it with a strong head wind.

Currently the outlook for the week is wet weather. I'm hoping it is a fine week of weather! I need to get my cycling hours up.

This is random. If you search, "Map My Ride" in Google my website Suburban Podcasting comes up xD

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cycling Technique

Well as a newbie who must still need allot of help in the cycling world. I've been told I need to work on my style. Now this may be because I usually make up data on the spot based upon the process called approximations.

Here's the story.. I was cycling along Ross River Road got talking to an army guy (Who ride for OffnOn bikes). Within 5 minutes he picked me up on several areas where my technique needed refining.

On my list of improvements I've got:
  1. Cycle with a cadence of 100 - 120. (Would be helpful if I had cadence on my bike but will look into this with a new bike)
  2. Bike frame is too small. (It is apparent to me don't know about to others but my bike frame seems to small)
  3. Up-Down legs are not striding in correct circle with arches. (Will have to work on this although I think it's due to the frame)
Hopefully I can sleep on what I've got to improve and remember to work on my style when cycling from now on. Not just blame it on the bike. 

Monday, March 15, 2010

Wind Direct with Cyclone Emerging

The last week I've noticed in the news about a cyclone which is a category 5 forming on the eastern side of Australia. Townsville has been receiving some nice winds from this event. One thing which I've noticed has occurred though is the change in wind direction when cycling to the Townsville Dam.

When I cycle towards the dam the wind is usually behind me and enable me to have an easy cycle there and a tougher cycle back. Although the last week this has been the case. In fact it's been hard as getting to the dam and flying back home at 44km/h.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Weather in Townsville - Summer

One thing which really gets me each year is the amount of rain that Townsville seems to experience each year for extended amounts of time. It's the kind of rain were the weather man says one thing and it always ends up being the other way.

The last 3 weeks Townsville has experienced rain on an almost daily occurrence. To the extent it never seems to rain during the day only in the afternoon when I go for a ride.

It's annoying in a way. I had a good training routine up until the rains came. Now I'm struggling for a quick sprint off at the traffic lights. Even a fast cadence is proving difficult.

Hopefully there isn't to much more raining in the afternoons. Maybe more in the morning would be better :p --- I would go cycling in the morning in Townsville if I didn't have to start most days at 7am or Uni by 8am.

Next weekend I'll be in Cairns looking forward to clear blue skies. :D

What's with the 2.5 inch speed bumps in the Queensland Rail Offices where I usually ride my bike through in Townsville? ... Now why did you have to do a thing like that QR.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

My Training So Far

Well, this week I've managed to get out on the road and cycle 40km a day. It's a challenge at time. I think I could possibly do with a new Lycra to wear cycling. I'm starting to see the reason why you don't wear old clothes now.

You know you must be doing something right when your happily cycling along and people yell out, "Go Lance! Go." It always makes me ride even faster xD

I've been thinking. Since I've gotten my love back for cycling with more money and time why not get a new bike? Well, truth be told was looking at my bike this afternoon and thought to myself. That frame is to small. Then looked further over it and noticed It's really not looking to impressive at the moment.

I'm planning on buying a new bike in time for my birthday in April.

Any suggestions of a good bike 1500 - 2500 list one below.