Saturday, March 13, 2010

Weather in Townsville - Summer

One thing which really gets me each year is the amount of rain that Townsville seems to experience each year for extended amounts of time. It's the kind of rain were the weather man says one thing and it always ends up being the other way.

The last 3 weeks Townsville has experienced rain on an almost daily occurrence. To the extent it never seems to rain during the day only in the afternoon when I go for a ride.

It's annoying in a way. I had a good training routine up until the rains came. Now I'm struggling for a quick sprint off at the traffic lights. Even a fast cadence is proving difficult.

Hopefully there isn't to much more raining in the afternoons. Maybe more in the morning would be better :p --- I would go cycling in the morning in Townsville if I didn't have to start most days at 7am or Uni by 8am.

Next weekend I'll be in Cairns looking forward to clear blue skies. :D

What's with the 2.5 inch speed bumps in the Queensland Rail Offices where I usually ride my bike through in Townsville? ... Now why did you have to do a thing like that QR.

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